Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation. - Psalm 146:3

The church leading people to hell

By Merrill Olson

The condition of many churches today points to the direction of hell! This is not hard for me to see as a pastor (semi-retired) who loves a Bible preaching/teaching church. I sought to be faithful to that type of calling wherever God placed me. Yet, this held true years ago for the overall church as people attended to hear the truths of Scripture. The pastor preached about sin and repentance in light of the redeeming work of Jesus on the cross of Calvary and the eternal hope of heaven. Believers were encouraged to live their lives trusting in the Lord Jesus knowing their salvation is found in Him alone (John 14:6).

Tragically, this divine work of redemption has lapsed in many churches and certain denominations. Their emphasis is on social issues that benefit their people instead of their spiritual welfare. There is little regard for the Bible as the inspired Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16). Many attendees believe that Jesus Christ is just one way to heaven. They are never reminded as to what Jesus said about Himself and what Scripture proclaims that there are no other way and people are deceived to think otherwise. Even the apostle Peter said, “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Only the sinless Son of God is qualified to be the “propitiation for our sins” (1 John 2:2, 4:10; Romans 3:25).

Therefore, instead of hearing about sin and repentance, grace and mercy found in Jesus Christ; people hear motivational messages. These sermons tell people that God loves them and wants to make them happy and will not send anyone to hell. These messages may include that God wants them to experience material prosperity. And if they do not, it may be that they do not have enough faith to believe.

However, the Scriptures warn about false teachers and ministers who are Satan’s servants who “transform themselves into ministers of righteousness…” (2 Cor. 11:13-15).

Much could be said! But the point is that many churches, pastors, seminary professors, etc., are sending people to hell! And if you are attending such a church, leave it and find one centered on the Bible. And most importantly, one who seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.

Merrill Olson served as a senior pastor for thirty-four years. He received a B.S. from Minnesota State University-Mankato, an M. Div. from Bethel Theological Seminary, and a D. Min. from Columbia Evangelical Seminary. He is currently involved as an interim pastor along with a teaching and writing ministry. His emphasis is on apologetics and training believers to defend their faith in Christ from God’s Word. He is well versed in Bible prophecy as it pertains to end times. He is a gifted speaker with the conviction that only by the Word of God can people experience inward transformation by the Holy Spirit. He and his wife, Jan, reside in Minnesota and have two daughters and four delightful grandchildren.


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