Death conquered?!

By Paul Bawden
“Impossible!” replies the atheist. “How can you know?” questions the agnostic.
In spite of the scoffers and doubters, the God-man crucified and buried came forth from the grave bodily on Easter Sunday morning. Eye-witnesses give undeniable testimony that the God-man, Jesus Christ, conquered the grave bodily.
Lee Strobel, an ardent atheist, searched out who Christ claimed to be and what He did for him in His death, burial, and bodily resurrection. After his search, he became a believer in and passionate follower of Jesus Christ. Lee is now a widely known apologist for biblical Christianity. Check out his books on Amazon.
Since Christ conquered the grave bodily, what does that mean for the believer in Jesus Christ?
*Forgiveness before God!
*An on-going relationship with Him through prayer and His Word, the Bible.
*Harmony in personal relationships.
*Eternal purpose in our many tasks.
*His strength and wisdom for living, even in the tough times.
*Relying on His inner power, one can live a godly life.
*Reaching out to those in need.
*Eternal hope – life beyond the grave with God forever after this life.
*One day Christ will put down all evil and establish His 1000 year reign on earth.
*Eventually, Christ will create a new heaven and earth for all believers in Him.
Don’t miss who Christ is and what He has done for you. He wants to be your Savior, yes, your Friend, Guide, and Hope.
Do you know Christ personally? Admit to Him through prayer that you have sinned against Him and ask Him into your life to be your Savior (Romans 10:9-13). Also read John 3 in the Bible. If Jesus is your Savior, celebrate this Easter with joy! Give Him thanks for what He has done and continues to do for you and through you. Live for Him!
Death is conquered forever! As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are His forevermore. Nothing or no one can separate you from His eternal love (Romans 8:35-39). He is with you at all times!
He is risen! He is risen indeed!!
Paul Bawden is married and served in the pastoral ministry for 45 years, retiring in 2011. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a B.A. in Speech and attended Dallas Theological Seminary, receiving a Master of Theology. He has taken counseling courses at Trinity Evangelical Seminary in Deerfield, Illinois. Paul is a lifetime member of the Evangelical Free Church of America, as well as being a member of Interim Pastor Ministries (IPM), which serves churches during their time of transition in searching for a new pastor. He writes for Union Gospel Press, as well as being a volunteer writer for GotQuestions.org. Paul likes to write, read, bike, and work in the yard. The Bawdens have had the privilege to travel to Mexico and Romania on mission trips and visited various countries in Europe.