Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation. - Psalm 146:3

Posts by molsen

Church and state confusion

By Merrill Olson One of the biggest confusions and even deceptions that has taken place in the United States is the separation of church and state. It has led to crosses being torn down in public places, nativity scenes at Christmas being forbidden on public property, prayer eliminated from school functions, and those ending in…

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Hypocrisy is rampant

By Merrill Olson One of the actions the Lord despises is hypocrisy (Matthew 23:25-33). He said to the scribes and Pharisees, “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You are like white washed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and uncleanness” (v. 27). A hypocrite is a…

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The enemy is alive and well

By Merrill Olson If people deny that there is a wicked force in the world that is the cause of all the violence, hatred, and chaos, they have been personally blinded by this evil (2 Cor. 4:3-4). In fact, the Bible names, among other names, this source we know best as Satan whose evil has…

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WEF and a one world government

By Merrill Olson Not too many people know what WEF stands for. But it is the World Economic Forum whose goal is a one world government. Therefore, one of its demands is that all nations end their sovereignty so a world government can take place. By doing so, there will be no limited government or…

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Israel’s future suffering and prosperity

By Merrill Olson Whether nations and religious groups plot against Israel, hate and persecute her, God promises her future prosperity: “For the LORD will be your everlasting light, And the days of your mourning shall end” (Isaiah 60:20). As a faithful student studies the Scriptures, one will see clearly that Isaiah 60:1-22 looks forward to…

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Where everything went wrong

By Merrill Olson What significant areas have led to the decline of American society as opposed to what it was some years ago? Out of several, three of them will be covered. And it is how the first one is handled by certain people that has brought the degeneration of the other two. Therefore, the…

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Present deception aligned to mark of the beast

By Merrill Olson Over the past three years with the fear of the health crisis, masses of people chose to trust the government. People blindly approved of the government’s promise to take care of them. The lies filled the media networks and people believed them without reservation. The medical shot would handle their fear. Yet,…

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A reprobate nation

by Merrill Olson The Bible says, “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased [depraved] mind, to do those things which are not fitting” (Romans 1:28). There are Bible teachers that believe God has also turned America over to a reprobate mind. And…

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Climate change’s destruction

by Merrill Olson In speaking of our human responsibility as far as the earth is concerned, Psalm 8:6-8 is interesting: “You have him to have dominion over the works of You hands; You have put all things under his feet, All sheep and oxen-Even the beasts of the field, The birds of the air and…

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The evil of antisemitism

By Merrill Olson Three years before he died, Martin Luther wrote a 13-part booklet titled On the Jews and Their Lies whereby he vented his animosity against them. He wrote, “Next to the devil, a Christian has no more bitter and galling foe than a Jew.” Here was a leader in the Protestant Reformation; and…

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The Lord Jesus will bring in His kingdom

By Merrill Olson We are in a time when a young generation of confused, desperate, and spiritually hungry people are living in this world. They are not given any absolute answers to the world’s problems and why they themselves even exist. All the ways of sin and depraved morals have not fulfilled their hunger. Yet,…

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False teachers stand condemned

By Merrill Olson What is tragic today, as centuries before, are false teachers who claim to be believers in Christ but make false statements that are directly in opposition to God’s Word. The difference between those of another time and today is that those presently have huge followers on television, the internet, and buyers of…

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Believers living in perilous times

By Merrill Olson Looking back sixty years, America today is not what it was back then. For people living at that time, they would never have expected this country to become one manifesting “perilous times” (2 Timothy 3:1). Therefore, the “principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age, spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly…

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Being at odds brings persecution

By Merrill Olson The more believers stand up for biblical truth and become fervent in what they believe, the more they will receive persecution. This is not just in foreign countries but also in the United States of America. With that in mind, the words of the Apostle hold true: “If you are reproached for…

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The dragon’s control

By Merrill Olson Satan is called many different names in Scripture. He is referred to as “the dragon who gave power to the beast [Antichrist]” (Rev. 13:4); “a great, fiery red dragon” (Rev. 12:3, 7, 9); He is the “devil” (Matt. 4:1); “Beelzebub” (Matt. 12:24}; “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11); “the…

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Redefining terms for future takeover

By Merrill Olson One of the serious issues facing this country as well with others is the redefining of terms for a world takeover. Sadly, but tragically many people are unaware as to what is seriously happening. Yet as one prophetic speaker said, “Things are not falling apart. They are falling into place.” This is…

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A moral binge

By Merrill Olson Our country has been on a moral binge, an unrestrained indulgence, for a number of years. It seems to have hit its heights in an orgy of self-importance and gratification. Every part of our society seems to be deteriorating. As people turn away from God and His morals, this orgy becomes worse…

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God and gender confusion

By Merrill Olson The Bible is very clear that with God there is no gender confusion. The Word says, “So God created man in His own image; the image of God He created him; male and female He created them (Genesis 1:27). In rebuttal of what the Pharisees challenged Him regarding divorce, Jesus replied, “Have…

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Russia will do it again

By Merrill Olson As the world has viewed the attack on Ukraine by Russian forces, it was a surprise to many thinking that it would not happen. Even though the Russian troops were gathered at the borders of Ukraine, Putin was still giving the world a message that it will take place. It is like…

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Christian myths

By Merrill Olson As America moves further and further away from God’s truth, sinful human beings even take on Christian myths that governs their thinking. As their anti-biblical views become more accepted in society, peoples’ undiscerning spirits succumb to them as being good and beneficial overall. Yet, they fail to realize that these myths will…

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A worldview crises

By Merrill Olson If you read certain articles on Christian websites and other resources, or those by George Barna, who is the senior research fellow for the Family Research Council, you will learn of a worldview crisis in America. For instance, only 22 % of Americans can retell the Biblical account of the birth of…

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No fear of God

By Merrill Olson As the Scriptures describe fallen humankind, it gives an appalling thirteen-count indictment against all Jews and Gentiles (Romans 3:10-18). There are no exemptions. Everyone is guilty before God. Describing a few of the indictments, we understand how horrifying they are. For instance: “There is none righteous, no, not one…their throat is an…

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Everyday Americans regarding CRT

By Merrill Olson As we look at America today, there is an evil that is returning that we thought was long past. Yet, it is very much in the forefront. What is it? It is Critical Race Theory. It is separating people into certain groups. Tragically, it has entered into many public schools and teachers…

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Progressive Christianity is not Christian

By Merrill Olson In one of my pastorates, I took an adult Sunday School class through the beginning of the church to the present in its different time frames. And one very important area was the rise of liberalism that has been around for over 100 years. This came with the attempt of European and…

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Present control pictures the Antichrist’s

By Merrill Olson One of the definitions of “controlling” is the “inclination to control others’ behavior.” Yet, in recent months we have seen this happening big time! It started with wearing the masks to the present push to get the vaccine. Concerned people first wondered where the science is in wearing the masks when there…

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